Thursday, June 11, 2009

Teresa Mallen's June Newsletter - I'm featured!

Okay, enough of the icky news of my life! Here's some good news for a change.

This is Teresa Mallen and she has featured me in the June issue of her Colored Pencil Newsletter! Teresa always has great advice about art, especially colored pencil and loves discovering new artists and their work. She has her Newsletter which is primarily for members (which is free to sign up) and her blog which has loads of great info and advice and links to her website and newsletters. She also offers art classes for those of you in the Ottawa area. A bit to far for me - but they sound like fun! Take a few minutes and read about me on her feature and if you like read about some of the other great artists that she's featured in the past. Loads of talented people out there with plenty of beautiful work to admire.

1 comment:

  1. Heather what a wonderful article, so proud to know you, and own and proudly wear a pair of your caged beauty earrings!


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